average: (in science) A term for the arithmetic mean, which is the sum of a group of numbers that is then divided by the size of the group.
drag: A slowing force exerted by air or other fluid surrounding a moving object. It involves friction. But unlike simple friction, it increases with an object’s speed.
fluid dynamics: The study of liquids and gases in motion.
force: Some outside influence that can change the motion of an object, hold objects close to one another, or produce motion or stress in a stationary object.
freestyle: A standard swimming stroke, also known as “front crawl.”
gait: The pattern of leg motions by which an animal walks from place to place.
muscle: A type of tissue used to produce movement by contracting its cells, known as muscle fibers. Muscle is rich in protein, which is why predatory species seek prey containing lots of this tissue.
parallel: An adjective that describes two things that are side by side and have the same distance between their parts. In the word “all,” the final two letters are parallel lines. Or two things, events or processes that have much in common if compared side by side.
physical: (adj.) A term for things that exist in the real world, as opposed to in memories or the imagination. It can also refer to properties of materials that are due to their size and non-chemical interactions (such as when one block slams with force into another). (in biology and medicine) The term can refer to the body, as in a physical exam or physical activity.
sprint: To run at top speed over a fairly short distance. In competitive running, the 100-meter race is a sprint. A person who is doing this kind of running is called a sprinter.